Infinity’s Engine — Mercury Square Saturn

Mercury’s two-week sprint through fiery, fixed Leo begins today. Sunday, that rapid transit will gather steam with Mercury’s brief square to Saturn’s slog through watery, fixed Scorpio. In context, the square from Mercury to Saturn will correspond to evidence of your role in the cosmos as infinity’s engine. The only question is whether you are ready to see that. 

Astrology by Len Wallick

If all that seems a bit far-fetched, please consider that you may have underestimated yourself. Please consider that you are neither powerless or insignificant.

If you have underestimated yourself as powerless or insignificant, please don’t beat yourself up. Doing so will just send you back into the same loop. Take solace in the fact that it’s a common condition.

It’s common for nearly every human to be superbly conditioned to think of one’s self as unworthy, inadequate and pathetic without the paternal guiding hand of authority. It’s also common for each of us to reinforce that conditioning by giving our power away to that hand.

What is common, however, is not necessarily true. In this case, the common condition hides the truth. It’s no accident that the conditioning loop exists, but it is not necessary for you to keep falling back into it. Instead, try seeing the loop as a thought structure limiting what you think you are, and what you think you can do.

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