Of Fear and Flying – Venus Into Libra

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.”
–Erica Jong

As Venus taxis Virgo’s tag end before taking Friday’s flight into its Libra domain, a question will be symbolically raised. The question is whether the free exercise of personal discretion is necessary or narcissism. Astrology implies the answer will derive from a crucial clash of values represented by the aspects Venus will make upon ingress to Libra at 11:37 am EDT Friday.

Astrology by Len Wallick

When Venus enters cardinal Libra it will square the conjunction of asteroids Icarus and Narcissus at cardinal Capricorn’s threshold while simultaneously opposing asteroid Cuno on Aries’ first degree.

Venus’ return to its airy home this year will hence be the Aries Point event it always is, but more. It will be made more by concurrent Aries Point events which will combine to imply significant tension from which none of us are exempt, and to which each of us must respond.

Astrologers define an Aries Point event as taking place on or near the first degree of any cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn). The meaning of an Aries Point event is derived from what happens when the Sun enters a cardinal sign.

When the Sun enters a cardinal sign, a new season begins. It is a personal event experienced at the same time by every being on Earth, regardless of location. That’s pretty special if you are aware of it. If you are not aware of it, you are missing tangible proof in the physical body of the fact that you are unavoidably one with all things.

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