Second Chances – Approaching Aquarius Full Moon

It may seem too early to think (or write) about the Full Moon, but not if you think about what it will mean. The opposition of Sun and Moon at 9:45 pm EDT Tuesday will be the second Aquarius Full Moon in a row, indicating second chances. The nature of the implied second chance will be different for each person, but some time to think ahead, and astrology, will help you know what to look for.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The previous Aquarius Full Moon took place on July 22. That’s a good place to start. So is a handful of days to recall what you may have missed, with astrology’s aid.

First, there is the nature of a Full Moon itself. It is an opposition of the luminaries (Sun and Moon). The luminaries represent two predominant modes of consciousness.

Solar consciousness corresponds to what most folks think of as being conscious. When you are awake and interactive with others, the you that others see probably correlates very strongly with the sign where the Sun was when you were born. Beneath the evident elements of all interactions, however, another level of consciousness operates.

The Moon symbolizes the less than obvious levels of your consciousness. Sometimes others can see it. Sometimes even you are not aware of it. Nevertheless, it is important. Sometimes it makes all the difference in how you see and are seen.

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