Live and Let Live — Mars Enters Leo

After Mars enters Leo tonight at 10:05 PM EDT, it will be helpful if you can remember to live and let live. Mars shows up in your life as energy. While wearing the sunny regalia of Leo, the energy of Mars is likely to express in a more extroverted manner than usual. If you can manage to just let that be alright, for you and others, it will go a long way towards affirming life all around.

Astrology by Len Wallick

After all, Mars spends scarcely two months in direct motion through Leo every two years. Most people can budget time to live and let live at least that often.

There are a lot of ways to express your energetic self at this perhaps most favorable time. Doing it physically is probably best because your body is unique to you.

You might pause to dance a few beats, or sing a few notes, or skip a few steps on your way through the days to come, reminding yourself and showing others a bit of what you are. You may even help others remember what they are, and get them to join in.

This year’s Martian ingress to Leo is a better time for joyous physical expression than most. That’s because of other, concurrent things that will be going on with the astrology. The main thing to keep in mind is that others will need room to do the same.

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