Something To Grow Into — Virgo New Moon and Jupiter

The Virgo New Moon at 7:36 am EDT Thursday will likely correspond with something for you to grow into. In a sense, it’s simply that time of the month. It’s also about the time of year. This particular conjunction of the luminaries (Sun and Moon), however, will feature something more: a functional sextile to Jupiter, astrology’s planet of growth.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It may very well be its relationship to Jupiter that ultimately distinguishes Thursday’s New Moon, and you, in the long run of your lifetime and history. That relationship will have several levels. 

As Robert Hand put it, “At the most fundamental level Jupiter signifies the individual reaching out to include more and more of the universe and its experience within himself or herself.” Those same words could also be used to describe forms of growth that require conscious intent and initiative to undertake. Hence, Jupiter is emblematic of such growth, and with the Virgo New Moon, the largest planet will also be well positioned to support it.

Earlier this year on June 25, just four days after the Sun entered cardinal Cancer to initiate a new season, Jupiter followed suit. The Jovian ingress to Cancer started a new season of its own — a tenure of more than a year in the water sign ruled by the Moon.

In addition to being the place where the Moon is dignified as ruler, Cancer is also where Jupiter finds another, and very ancient, form of dignity called exaltation.

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