Holistic Discernment — Mercury Ingress Virgo

Mercury enters earthy Virgo at 12:44 pm EDT (16:44 UT) tomorrow, initiating an apparent theme of holistic discernment. Indeed, from tomorrow to Sept. 2 (when Mercury leaves Virgo), the astrology as a whole might best be handled if you can honor your big picture while discerning the most important detail at any given time.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Holistic discernment is a tall order. It’s not really multi-tasking. It’s handling whatever details a particular moment presents so as to keep the big picture together.

In order to keep the big picture together, you have to see it. It means knowing your most enduring priorities and formulating long-term objectives.

As is so often the case with a planet entering a sign, Mercury will show you the apparent theme of its subsequent tenure by the first aspect it makes when it comes home to Virgo — one of the two places on the zodiac Mercury rules, along with Gemini.

Mercury will ingress its Virgo domain only minutes after the Moon enters the sign of its exaltation — earthy Taurus. That means both Mercury and the Moon will be implicitly expressing strongly while simultaneously forming a near-exact earth trine aspect.

Fundamental astrology tells us that the the first aspect an object makes when entering a sign is important and indicative. That’s a holistic perspective. The reason for the importance attributed and the indications assigned are to be found in the details.

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