Fresh Approach — Mercury’s Libra Entrance

Mercury takes off into Libra at 3:07 am EDT Monday. A fresh approach will suit the occasion, even (or, perhaps especially) if it feels uncomfortable. Begin by examining your life. Where there’s stagnation or obstruction in relationship, creative interaction will trump stability. Where your customary ways of thinking have become stale, it will help to simplify your life.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It may seem paradoxical to jeopardize stability to foster creativity. It may appear contradictory for simplification to promote stimulation, but Mercury’s motion right now indicates just such an approach.

First off, Mercury is all about motion. It’s the swiftest planet, often moving through the zodiac faster than any other object except the Moon.

If you take retrograde motion into account, it travels a significantly greater distance through the signs (albeit some of that distance in reverse) than the Sun does in the course of a year. Even when it stations retrograde, Mercury is never actually stationary. It essentially turns on a dime and gives you ten cents change. Yet, all of that propensity for constantly moving clashes with Mercury’s affinity for Virgo.

Virgo is the only sign where the orthodox ruling planet (Mercury, naturally) is also exalted. In other words, it’s paradise for Mercury. If it could choose, it might conceivably roam its Elysian Fields of mutable earth to forever be comfortable, happy, fat and sassy.

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