Open The Sky — Musing on Scorpionic Venus

Venus enters Scorpio shortly before 2:16 am EDT tomorrow. Immediately upon ingress, Venus will conjoin the main belt asteroid (orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter) 30 Urania, on the threshold of fixed water. In context with the rest of the zodiac, the Venus-Urania in Scorpio configuration could very well serve to find you opening the sky in one way or another.

Astrology by Len Wallick

That may sound far-fetched, but a sky opened up can refer to a variety of things. It can mean a deluge. It may be coherence where previously there was disassociation. It might even serve to further reveal your purpose in this life.

What your potential to symbolically unzip the heavens might mean to you depends a lot on your personal astrology. It also depends on what you are willing to receive from a particular generation past.

Finally, it’s contingent on what you have aspiration (or lack thereof) to be while you yet live.

The potential for some sort of cloudburst is supported by an unprecedented grand water trine currently in progress, and in which Venus is about to become involved. The nature of any such downpour depends on whether, and how, you become involved.

Two things make our current grand water trine unprecedented. First, it is anchored by Neptune’s relatively recent (since 2011/12) return to where it rules — Pisces. Neptune in Pisces a powerful event that lasts for about a decade and a half, and takes place only every century and a half. The other factor is that you can go back for centuries upon centuries and never find Neptune in its Pisces realm linked with both Jupiter (currently cruising Cancer) and Saturn (now sailing Scorpio) in the other two water signs at the same time for any length of time.

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