Of Passion and Energy — Mars Trine Uranus

Mars continues to forge its Leo legacy with a fire trine to the Aries lair of retrograde Uranus, exact just before 5 pm EDT Saturday. The image is of passion and energy flowing effortlessly from you to the rest of the world. The question is what will become of it. The apparent motion of Mars through Leo, exceeding half a degree a day right now, implies the answer will be a matter of timing — your timing in particular.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Timing begins with awareness. If you want to time your crossing of a thoroughfare so as to assure your safety, you need to look up from your texting and look both ways down the street.

Now that you know when the impending fire trine from Mars to Uranus will be exact, you have some awareness already. Assuming you want to make the most this formidable, if ephemeral aspect, the next step is to extend awareness into appropriate action.

You can build on awareness by developing a strategy to determine your options as they come up. That way, you can act appropriately in time with an opportune moment. It’s self-made luck, which is the only kind of luck when you get right down to it. That’s what astrology is for, and the trine from Mars to Uranus this weekend is an excellent chance to make it work, both for you, and for the role you will be timed to play in determining the shape of posterity.

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