Another Way — Pisces Full Moon

When the Moon comes around to oppose the Virgo Sun from late Pisces shortly after 7 am EDT Thursday, there will be another way to look at it. It will possible to see it as a conjunction of the luminaries (Sun and Moon), as well as an opposition. That may not seem possible, but it is. What makes it possible will distinguish this particular Pisces Full Moon as a valuable object lesson for you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Early Thursday (or late Wednesday depending on where you are) Earth will be between the luminaries. That’s what a Full Moon is in three dimensions. You see it with your own eyes as the Moon rising in the East while the Sun is setting in the West.

It looks very much the same on a tropical astrology chart. Sun opposite Moon is the prototype for all oppositions, illustrated as the glyphs for the respective luminaries on opposite sides of the zodiac circle. That’s how it is for every Full Moon, but this particular Pisces Full Moon will have something more. In a rare concurrence, the luminaries will simultaneously be what is called parallel, an aspect not apparent on a chart because of the second of the Two Great Fudge Factors Of Astrology.

Have you ever noticed that astrologers equate the 365 days of a calendar year with the 360 degrees of graphic travel necessary for the Sun to complete a cycle of the zodiac? That’s the First Great Fudge Factor: 360 equals 365. It works just fine most of the time. As such, it’s an object lesson in not getting all hung up on details of precision while doing astrology. It is understanding the Second Great Fudge Factor, however, that will allow you to see this week’s Full Moon in another way, deriving a separate object lesson with applications beyond just astrology.

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