Adjustment at Libra Equinox

The Sun enters Libra at 4:44 pm EDT Sunday. The annual solar ingress to Libra means, among other things, the culmination of an equinox, and turning the corner from one season to the next. This year, the Libra Equinox will closely follow, and implicitly echo, both the culmination of today’s Pisces Full Moon, and Pluto turning a Capricorn corner from retrograde to direct motion tomorrow. All of that reinforces a theme of adjustment so as to initiate a new a season in your life.

Astrology by Len Wallick

What sort of adjustments should you make in the season to come? The answer may be represented by the first aspect the Sun will make upon entry to Libra: a precise cardinal square to 37117 Narcissus on the threshold to Capricorn.

Interpreting the astrology of 37117 Narcissus is tricky. The name carries a lot of baggage. Its orbital characteristics make the object’s classification problematic. Even its discovery date is controversial. That’s how it would sensible to first make sense of the aspect Narcissus will receive from the equinox Sun.

When the Sun enters a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), it is simultaneously a personal and worldwide experience. The equinox Sunday will take place for everybody, everywhere at the same time. The key is to be aware of that.

It’s also an important key to be aware of how everybody, everywhere gets an equal amount of daylight during the days of equinox. In addition, all equinox sunrises are exactly East, and all equinox sunsets are precisely West for everybody on Earth, no matter where.

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