Small Things — Mercury’s Scorpio Plunge

Mercury plunges into Scorpio Sunday at 7:38 am EDT to prove small things matter. Furthering that proof, Mercury will promptly enter the echo (or “shadow”) phase of its next retrograde cycle about 48 hours after this ingress to fixed water. With the beginning of the shadow phase, October will also begin, and with it some big astrology. Regardless of how big corresponding events may be, Mercury’s role in October implies nothing and nobody will be too small to make a difference.

Astrology by Len Wallick

At some point, you may have been told (or believed) that you are too small to make a difference. If that should happen to you in October, think of Mercury, and think again.

Mercury is the smallest planet visible to the unaided eye, but judge it not by its size. It is also the closest planet to the Sun. Because the Sun symbolizes consciousness (among other things) for astrologers, Mercury often corresponds to what you are most aware of.

In other words, you notice its manifestations in the world as if it were big.

Mercury’s proximity to the Sun also confers rapid apparent motion because its orbit around the Sun has the inside lane on us. As was its namesake in mythology, it is astrology’s representation of speed. That correlates neatly to what, such as thought, is closest to consciousness. Most of the time, only the Moon moves through the signs more quickly than Mercury, and most years Mercury catches up to pass us three times.

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