No Trivial Thing — Mars Conjunct ISON

…all I ask is that you respect me as a human being.
— Jackie Robinson

Mars will have its tropical Leo position closely conjoined by the comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) today. Through both the nature of its constituency and its timing, this conjunction brings the late Jackie Robinson to mind. Furthermore, it is a reasonable occasion to consider what Jackie Robinson had in common with you, and did for you, and how that is no trivial thing for you now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Jackie Robinson was more than an athlete. He was first and foremost a human being. It was as an athlete, however, that he acted to defeat the racial segregation of Major League Baseball.

Regardless of how you feel about organized sports, acting to defeat racial segregation is no trivial thing. It is an energetic assertion of respect for you, and every being, because anybody is potentially subject to discrimination.   

Astrology interprets the nature of Mars to include an association with assertive energy in general, and athletes in particular. Beyond that, and specific to the memory of Mr. Robinson, it’s the nature of comet C/2012 S1 that brings a particular quality of being to mind.

From its trajectory, it appears that ISON may have never come this way before. Given the close encounter it will have with the Sun in late November, it may never come this way again.

For all we know, it is the same way for you, and every being. Hence, every moment here is anything but trivial. That’s how every being may legitimately be considered worthy of respect. That is also how the astrology of ISON, in all of its ephemeral uncertainty, may be interpreted as having a nature corresponding to you, perhaps passing through this world but once, with that quality of being in common with everybody else.

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