Into The Corner, And Out — First Quarter Moon

The first quarter Moon at 7:02 pm EDT this coming Friday will be a separating (or “opening”) cardinal square aspect from the Libra Sun to the Capricorn Moon. That’s because the Moon is separating from its conjunction with the Sun during the Libra New Moon last week, gradually opening greater distance with each passing day. In more ways than one, the lunar first quarter coming up will also represent a corner for you as well.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Considering how the Libra New Moon probably resonated for you, now would be a good time to be mindful and anticipate the corner. You may want to start by thinking about what the word “corner” represents in your life.

Generally speaking, it is better to turn a corner than get backed into one. As a rule, you would also prefer not to lose control while acting to take a turn.

Action, among other things, is what square aspects are about. Likewise, opening squares often represent initial actions. The lunar first quarter is a prototype, helping you to get a feel for all separating square aspects because, weather permitting, you can see it with your own eyes and correlate the celestial event with events in your own life.

When the Moon is at first quarter phase, you see the luminaries (Sun and Moon) at right angles to each other because of your perspective from Earth in the “corner” of the square. Hence the correspondence between all square aspects and every form of corner. The same perspective also makes the First Quarter Moon look half lit and half dark, halfway across the sky at sunset — but don’t let that confuse you.

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