Moral Framework

By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

If you’ve kept your head down this week, vowing to ignore news and just keep the lid on tight, you’re in good company. Most folks are loathe to crowd their full plate with anything else at the moment, lest it drop like a rock along with their emotional well being. With the explosive 2012 energies the ones throwing the bones, searching the patterns and particulars has brought up more questions than answers in the last few days, and while it adds little to our comfort zone, that’s probably a good thing.

Political Blog, News, Information, Astrological Perspective.

Even overwhelmed by the glut of information, there are gems of wisdom out there for inquiring minds and the only way to find them is to keep a look-out for the universe to offer them up.

One of the questions on everyone’s mind has to do with a missing jet carrying 249 souls, four of them American. Everyone loves a mystery, but this is ridiculous. New search areas open every day or so, giving up sea-trash but little else. Did someone just want a Boeing 777 so much they took it, or might the Greys have snatched an entire group of abductees? The suggestion that the plane was highjacked to North Korea or elsewhere remains a more realistic possibility, but such talk results in a nervous tic for those who have any “friendly sky” phobia.

As suggested by Eric in Part II of Planet Waves FM this week, we may get major clues or even a resolution to this question by the weekend Full Moon in Virgo. Meanwhile, try not to succumb to fearful propaganda, and if you’re scheduled to hop a plane for some long-anticipated event, (breathe in peace, exhale fear, and …) be mindful that you, your shoes, your toothpaste and shampoo remain suspect.

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