Astrology Q & A: An error, or precision?

Hey Eric,

I’ve been ruminating about this since I had a consultation with you several weeks ago (which everyone should know was fantastic and is highly recommended) — my chart was cast with the wrong birthplace, changing my ascendant from 27 to 29 Gemini. You counseled me not to make too much of it, but you did think that it suited me. I am curious about it because for a while I had already been feeling that my chart is not quite right. Is this a common feeling?

Eric Francis
Eric Francis.

Then recently I remembered that when I first got my chartВ 15 years ago, I gave the wrong time — putting the ascendant at 29 Gemini.

I’m curious about exploring this coincidence as a possible rectification, and I’m wondering which transits and/or other data you would suggest I look at. I checked out the Sabian symbols and 30 is very meaningful while 28 is not…

One thing against it is that my son’s moon is at 27 Gemini (and his ascendant is exactly opposed my husband’s) — not sure I want to lose that connection! Please help me sort this out.

Recorded birth time: Aug. 5, 1960 Princeton, NJ, 2:25am

Time sent to Astro Communications: 2:35am

Thank you, Eric!




Dear Jackie,

There’s a book called The Moment of Astrology. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable book, and the author, a guy named Geoffrey Cornelius, raised something of a ruckus in the astrological community with his chapter about When the Wrong Chart Works. As an example, he studied the two versions of the chart of Diana, Princess of Wales, one of which I believe has Sagittarius rising, and the other Libra rising.

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