A Word About Neptune

Dear Friend and Reader,

WE’VE BEGUN WORK on Next World Stories, the 2008 annual edition of Planet Waves. You will be hearing more about that soon; I think it’s safe to say that its in full swing — I find myself beginning to obsess over the aspects we’ll be talking about during the awesome special edition of the horoscopes that comes out on January 3.

At a glance, these circles appear to slither, however, upon further study, it becomes apparent that they are stationary. An optical illusion reveals perception to be a mutable force in our lives.
At a glance, these circles appear to slither, however, upon further study, it becomes apparent that they are stationary. An optical illusion reveals perception to be a mutable force in our lives.

As usual, there are some excellent correspondences happening in the heavens to go right along with the happenings here on Earth. There are a few outer planets pushing heavy energy out into our consciousness. I would hardly recommend sleeping late at this stage of the game, especially with Neptune having stationed direct last week (November 2 to be exact). Jupiter and Chiron are planning a little get-together with old Neptune soon and I can tell you, it’s going to be a lively gig. This occurs in late May 2009, but it has been building for years.

There are two kinds of people in the world today: those who are psychic and those who are more psychic. Okay, there are a few lizard brains who are totally, utterly shut down; the idea of communication happening “without the body” is too much for some to bear.

One way to describe psychism is a different state of awareness in which a person experiences reality as a thin film over a multitude of possibilities. It is like walking through a forest, and seeing the tracks of an animal that was once walking before you with the corners of your vision. In states such as this, it is easy to see that the future is always on its way. It is the decisions we make in the present sense that bring us to the future.

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