Sympathy for The You-Know-Who

Dear Friend and Reader,

MY SATANIC BACKGROUND kept me from going overboard with the title of this piece, but I’ve got to say that I spend a lot of time feeling sorry about the situations many villains find themselves in.

Political cartoons, like the one above, often demonize President Bush. Illustration from
Political cartoons, like the one above, can demonize President Bush. Caricature by Allan Cavanagh.

Life for quite a few seems to go in the way that Talking Heads song tells it, “You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile,” or “You may ask yourself: My God! What have I done?” I feel this sentiment goes especially well for our current President of the United States. You guessed it. I’m talking about how I feel about George W. Bush.

I don’t know if I would be able to live my life knowing that there are magnets out there saying things such as: “Like a rock, only dumber” referring to me. I would be totally mortified by the bumper stickers that say “Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing its idiot.”

And while it might seem sort of ironic that we go from one extreme to the other in our perceptions about him, it’s got to be pretty tiring for him. Either we think he’s a drooling man-tard, or he’s an evil genius. But not in between. What if he is a man who thought he had a good idea at the time and it totally fell apart all around him? How many of us have been there?

Last Saturday, as I was driving on some errand, I heard the Presidential address to the nation. I’ve heard a few of them over the course of these eight years, but something in the timbre of the man’s voice really struck me. He sounded tired. I thought I could detect the resonance of regret in his voice and I felt bad for him. Despite all the things that have transpired.

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