Monday: Mercury sextile Saturn, square Neptune

Dear Friend and Reader,

Happy Monday and welcome back to the work week for all of you out there who begin your work weeks today. We are starting this week off with a very interesting set of aspects. Scorpio Mercury is in a sextile with Virgo Saturn, and a square with Aquarian Neptune. Today’s aspects are focused on the mind and the challenges brought about by reality and faith.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

According to my sources, when Mercury is in a sextile with Saturn, resourcefulness and practicality come easy. Even though the mind is whip-quick, Saturn adds the weight of time’s passage, opening up awareness and bringing patience to situations that might otherwise be maddeningly slow. Today you may come to the conclusion that you are an eternal student, and you are ready for the challenge.

Virgo-Saturn feels very earthbound to me, and very interested in health and the physical environment. Limitations could be looked at as metaphors under this aspect, and holistic thought easily accessed. In my opinion, the Scorpio-Mercury adds a bit of darkness and courage in the face of serious situations. As Isabel Hickey remarks about Scorpio: “It is the death sign and the sign in which the battle must be fought between the soul and the personality.” I would say that today’s aspect is about regeneration and the awareness of limitations as well as obligations.

When Saturn is involved in any planetary interaction, one of the things it evokes is a sense of duty. What things in your life are being done solely for the advantage of others? How does that make you feel? What would happen if you were let down or let someone else down? This aspect suggests a certain attitude that makes forgiveness very important.

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