Like Smoking a Cigarette Above a Tank of Gasoline…

Editor’s Note:В With the mind-numbing game of вЂ?will she, won’t she?’ over the past two weeks, you may have missed the announcement late Friday night that Hilary finally accepted the position for Secretary of State. In this article, Genevieve Salerno and Eric Francis write about Hilary’s chart, why she couldn’t quite make it to the Presidency and how she’ll do as the right-hand lady of Barack Obama. Eric wrote a larger article examining Hilary’s chart two years ago, which we’ll post later this evening. –RA

Dear Friend and Reader:

We covered Hilary’s astrology two years ago, when she was first mentioned as a presidential candidate. There is a controversy about her birth time; I believe she’s skewed the time to throw astrologers off the scene, but if you do that you really don’t understand astrologers or astrology.

I am partial to the Gemini rising, late Pisces Moon chart for several reasons; these very late degrees, particularly the last, have a feeling of clinging to the edge. They represent a kind of “almost” quality. Hillary is not an innovator; she is very much a follower. The Pisces Moon is Hillary’s property of trying to be anything to anyone; she morphs her character to fit the situation.

Gemini is rising in the last degree. This puts the last degree of Sagittarius in her 7th house, and that is precisely where Pluto is transiting right now. Pluto on the 7th (and square her Moon, both of which have been happening simultaneously) suggest that she is at the end of a very long phase of existence and transitioning into another.

In a 2006 article on Clinton, Eric mentions her Mars, Pluto, Saturn conjunction in Leo:

The thing about Leos is that they do a great job being in charge. In other words, if you’re a boss, find out who the Leos on your staff are. They are probably the ones who already have a grip. They key to keeping most Leos happy is more responsibility. They need to have the feeling that the buck stops with them. There are exceptions to this guideline; Leos who consistently flake out do so either because they are not rising to the occasion, or because they have other factors in their chart which prevent them from being effective, and even these can be worked with. Even these ones can aspire to be the boss, despite their sense of inadequacy or whatever may hold them back.

Hillary, with Mars, Pluto and Saturn in Leo, definitely qualifies. Note that they are in her 3rd house; what she is (or thinks she is) the boss of is what everyone else thinks. Indeed, any one of these three planets would work fine, placed in this house and sign, to make somebody kinda bossy. But this babe is going at full throttle. She makes Bruce Springsteen seem like The Underling.

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