Thursday: Mercury opposes Hades and Gazes at the Underside

Dear Friend and Reader,

Today Mercury stands opposite a Trans-Neptunian Point called Hades. This is an image of the mind struggling to find out as much about the past as possible, in all its messy details.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

As we discussed before, trans-Neptunian points (TNPs) were first created/discovered/intuited by the Uranian astrologers of the 1900s in Hamburg, Germany. They are not actually composed of matter, but seem rather to be energetic clusters that insinuate more detail into a situation than more traditional astrology allows. They are known as hypothetical planets.

According to Martha Lang-Wescott, Hades is symbolic of “disgust/distaste; debilitation or deterioration; interest in the past…thus history and primitive origins.” For a more complete breakdown of her translation, do click here. Basically, what Hades is about is the process of aging. Mercury standing opposite this point is the recognition of the processes of time on the body, where the flesh ends and the spirit/soul of a person begins.

In Greek mythology, Hades was used to describe the Underworld itself, and the ruler of this Underworld. Other names for the God Hades included Dis Pater, Orcus and Pluto. “Dis Pater” or “Father of Riches” was held in high esteem by the ancestors. Fertile fields and all manner of useful resources from the ground came under his domain. Still today, it can be thought that we revere this Master of the Subterranean realms: most of our resources come to us by way of oil and oil products which are pulled from the ground.

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