Friday: Mercury enters Capricorn, squares the Aries Point

Dear Friend and Reader,

Have you ever met a person who, in your first 10 minutes of conversing, you come to the conclusion that they are an “old head on a new set of shoulders?” This is one way to look at Mercury as he crosses into the realm of the Earth-goat Capricorn. He begins to appreciate the structure of time and history. He starts to consider how best to organize his backpack.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Capricorn Mercury is not the fastest dart in the pack, but the conclusions and observations made are ones that carry a lot of weight and power. In this sign, Mercury slows down and is able to make weighty considerations and careful connections.

According to my sources, Mercury in Capricorn has an authoritative air, speaks and writes slowly and has a strong desire to compartamentalize the world around it. Isabel Hickey writes of this Mercury: “Good concentrative power. Dignity and earnestness. Good memory and attention to detail…Down to earth type which can be wonderful if they don’t forget their branches reach for the sky.” In other words, dreaming is a good exercise during this transit.

Since Mercury has also conjoined with Pluto, thoughts become powerful. Since both Pluto and Mercury are in a square with the Aries point, the influence of thoughts and communications may reach farther than just your kitchen table. Eric has written a lot about the Aries Point, but I will sum it up using his words: “the personal is political.” In other words, your life, your circumstances, your decisions take on a tone that seems to ripple through the fabric of society itself. It’s something like you spent all day watching Court TV and you look at your mom and dad in a totally new way because of it. That’s one way to illustrate the Aries Point.

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