Sunday: Mars trines Eris and takes a stand!

Dear Friend and Reader,

Courage and chaos: what do these things have in common? I have no idea, except the idea that within the chaos of our lives, we experience, at some point, the courage to navigate in a direction of our choice. ThisВ  can be linked to the processes of learning and individuation, which is my favorite fancy word for “learning who you really are.”

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

To start with, Eric has written an incredible amount about Eris — the planet that forced everyone to reconsider the structure of our solar system. Imagine that: the Greek goddess of discord shows up and everyone wants to know who is who, which one is better and who gets to stay in the textbooks. It’s almost an exact parallel to the Greek myth starring Eris: the Trojan War. To sum it up, some immortals and mortals were getting married and having a big wedding feast. Everyone was invited except Eris.

Eris is the deity of discord, arguments, strife, competition. Who would want someone like that at their wedding? But she showed up anyways and in revenge for being shafted, she played a trick upon the three most powerful goddesses there. Preying upon their vanity, she rolled a golden apple into the crowd upon which was inscribed “to the fairest.” It did not end well for anyone at the wedding after that. No one wanted to decide who was the fairest and incite the wrath of the other two.

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