Thursday: Sun conjoins Galactic Center!

Dear Friend and Reader,

The Galactic Center, in the simplest terms, is a very tightly wound together ball that holds our entire galaxy together. It is the beginning of the spiral we call home. It has a mass alot heavier than our own Sun. Many people believe it is really a black hole in mid-feast with thousands of stars and planets clustered around its maw. Attention to the Galactic Center has enjoyed a bit of revival since the last time anyone paid attention to it during the Mayan civilization: the 2012 phenomenon is based upon it. Eric has written an entire article about the Galactic Center, which you can access by clicking here.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

I would propose that while the Sun is conjoined with this massive force, time, as Eric would say, takes on strange proportions. We may blame it on the holiday season, we of the Planet Waves team might think it’s the labor we’ve been pouring into Next World Stories, the 2009 annual that is now available for pre-order, but this sense of time-crunch might very well have to do with the Galactic Center on top of it all. This thing is like the Sun of our Sun. Even if we don’t believe it’s there, it still has an effect on us. I know that I stopped believing in Santa Claus pretty early on, but he still left me presents on Christmas.

In many ways, the Galactic Core can be looked at like the Jungian Universal Subconscious: it is an area from which every idea that has been thought and has yet to be thought of resides. A kind of underworld of experiences and realities, the Unconscious is something that can be tapped by every human, though some work is involved. It is a way to infuse the life with spirituality and creativity. It is the source of the synchronicities that give us goosebumps when we experience them.

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