Monday: Sun conjoins Pluto — The Will of Transformation

Dear Friend and Reader,

The Sun has arrived at a total conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn today, adding a surge of energy and light to an already crowded sign. Now that the planet of will stands face to face with the planet of transformation, it might be a good time to ask: what is stopping me?

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

There are so many planets that endow our solar system with things to contemplate and observe on this planet we call home that I realize it’s a strange indulgence to pick favorites. Nevertheless, I do have two archetypes that I enjoy a very personal relationship with, and one of them is Pluto.

Mythologically speaking, Pluto is the keeper of the domain where change takes place. Underground seeds go, bodies moulder, water flows, creatures borrow through their personal journeys. It all remains unseen, yet when it is revealed the power is so undeniable as to change the entire scope of perception. One very grim example of Pluto’s power unleashed is the atomic bomb. I’m not going to explain the science of the bomb itself adequately enough to teach it, but basically an atom is split. An atom, the basis of matter, is opened and its insides are exposed to the outside world for all to witness. The power that was unleashed was so potent and so undeniable that the trees still don’t grow there right and no one of that generation can look at the sky without suspicion.

If we can begin to understand Pluto’s power in a more balanced respect we may find ourselves on the path of some real empowerment. Luckily for us, this transit doesn’t last for more than a day, but it will be a day in which you may find yourself looking at your surroundings in a whole new way, engaging the basic day to day with brand new motivations.

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