Tuesday: Venus conjoins Chiron

Dear Friend and Reader,

Have you ever been headed out the door and then you paused at the mirror and what you saw changed your attitude for the worse? Perhaps you fussed with your hair or reapplied your rouge, or even changed your clothes because a certain word flashed in your head that you wouldn’t want anyone to direct at you. The word I am thinking of is “ugly” and I wonder if today’s Venus-Chiron conjunction isn’t about our fear of being seen as unattractive or as anything else but a commodity.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Chiron, the first centaur planet, is an energy with the capacity to bring about tremendous healing in the way of making a system whole again. It is about deep, life altering wounds that translate into flaws in the system. Flaws can be enhanced by first accepting them. Only then can we go on our personal missions of whatever comes next in the journey the flaw in question requires to mend.

Venus is the energy of love and attraction. She is also the planet that symbolizes women-folk, though the Moon is an important significator o women as well. We have come a long way, it is true, from what our grandmothers survived, but there is more work to do, as I know almost everyone can testify. One of the ways our culture affirms our “inequality” is by reinforcing that we have no value unless we are gorgeous. They give us examples of gorgeous models who really only have the body types of prepubescent boys. No curves, no bumps, no juice. Then we are told that we are only half as good unless we have a partner or “better half.” The result of this poison is a race to be the most beautiful woman in the room at all times, which, if we are not careful brings about envy, hatred and all around bad feelings and vibes.

We live in a time of real fear over what one thinks of another. Many of us have felt the cold slice of gossip or rejection from a click. Many of us have burned in the cheeks by gossiping about someone else just to fit in. It is a sad state of affairs when I walk into a room and I am more worried about the women being cruel to me than anyone else. Unfortunately, it takes a little manipulating to understand the exercise being set up in these circumstances. It’s hard to say and to keep saying “I am who I am and I may be alone because of it” over and over again, but I would suggest that is what this conjunction is about.

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