Mercury conjunct Juno: Family Secrets Revealed

Dear Friend and Reader,

As we approach a potent Capricorn New Moon later in the week, Mercury is forming an exact conjunction with the asteroid Juno. We normally think of Juno as being about marriage and the marriage partner; I am getting another message at the moment, which is call your parents.В  Mercury the communicator is conjoined with Juno who, in this respect (to me, anyway) represents the traditional family. And the good lord knows most of us will be getting some of that during the next couple of days.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

This aspect is also a reminder to pay attention to who you are talking to, when you are talking to them. Especially if it is someone’s spouse.

Juno, like Capricorn, often arrives with issues regarding contracts, shared resources, score keeping and contention. Strange that the asteroid is the symbol of both the eternal vow and the eternal hair in the ass, isn’t it? I would say that what these two things have in common is how the individual feels. The supposedly eternal vow is based on quite a few mundane things.

I had a public speaking teacher who told us once that any feeling of anger or contention can usually be traced to one person feeling as though another has power over them. Once the perception changes, and the person who is angry learns that the other has no power over them, the anger almost always evaporates. The dynamics of power seem to be a big theme in the sky recently. Mars has just finished a conjunction with the Sun and is drawing nearer to a conjunction with Pluto. Power, transformation, courage and individuality are all ringing out across the Universe. How this plays out in human relationships is brought to the table by Mercury and Juno today.

As with everything that Mercury touches, communication and thought patterns are heightened. Perhaps this aspect speaks of a conversation or interaction with someone who plays a traditional role to you. How do you know what to say to this person? Are these interactions real in the respect that they are living, changing interactions?

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