All Hands on Deck: Jupiter-Mercury conjunction and ingress

Dear Friend and Reader,

WE RECENTLY EMBARKED on a complicated journey, or some kind of unusual movement, as hinted by last week’s Capricorn New Moon. There’s a feeling that we are perched on the brink of a new world. Indeed, with the news bringing us word of the air-strikes in Gaza, Pakistan’s choice to bring troops to their border with India, mortgage foreclosures and much else distracting us, there is a sense that tomorrow we may wake up and the entire world will be different. Fortunately, what could be looked at as an intimidating influence is tempered by the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

Mercury and Jupiter in Capricorn is about cooperation and expansion in the context of old ideas. It is about bringing together fragmented facets of the personality and the community into a more sound whole. Since both of these planets rule the opposing arms of the mutable cross (Sagittarius-Gemini and Pisces-Virgo) the conjunction of these two planets suggests the spiritual power lurking behind thought. After these two planets make their conjunction, they will move into Aquarius.

Imagine a speaker system wired throughout a building of offices, filled with people working. Some are busier than others, but all of them are performing to the best of their energy for the day. This speaker system connects them to a voice which tells them a list of tasks they must perform, thereby connecting them all in their actions, and making them part of a greater whole. At the same time, each listener has specific context that colors the exchange. Everyone hears the same string of words yet everyone walks away with a different message. This is one way to look at the cooperative effects of Mercury and Jupiter combined in Capricorn. The things that one must work at, or the things which give the greatest impact are physically connected into the rest of the world. The environment is as great an influence as the hours in the day.

Put another way, Mercury conjoined with Jupiter is the feeling of being connected with a message greater than the self. A situation in which many are called upon to relate to an idea is a very pertinent image for this conjunction. It is also happening in the news right now: not only in the Israel-Hamas altercation, but also in the coming of the New Year: it is more about ideals that we can identify with than palpable issues.

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