Weekend Astrology: Venus, from Neptune to Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader:

As the Moon continues to fatten on its course to first quarter in Aries on Sunday, it dangles in the sky like a silver bowl. It’s always interested me to observe which way the crescent will face: sometimes it looks like a smile, other times it resembles a sickle; every which way it is beautiful. This weekend holds some interesting emotional developments in time with the growing Moon. Most notably, Venus will enter Pisces on Sunday.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Traditional astrologers named Venus as the one of the true rulers of Pisces — Venus is exalted there. This makes sense, considering Piscean energy’s reputation for being the most compassionate of the entire zodiac. Pisces energy has no problem mingling with others. It’s all about water. In fact, at times the original energy mixes so fluidly with its environment that staying psychologically intact can at times pose a real challenge.

Because we are experiencing a homecoming (Venus arriving in one of her ruling signs), a feeling of welcome can bloom in the air. At the same time, and just like the feeling associated with the arrival of a long expected guest, Venus entering Pisces can present a feeling of anxiety. The mind is the star of the show when a mutable sign is aspected. Pisces energy has a strong psychic charge. With the goddess of love setting her course through this sign, receptivity is high, as well as sensitivity. We just came out of a conjunction between two mutable ruling planets (Mercury and Jupiter which rule Virgo/Pisces and Gemini/Sagittarius respectively). Because of this it could be said that the mind will get no rest this weekend, and with Pisces being involved, there will be lots to feel.

Venus has come from a conjunction with Neptune (Dec. 27, 2008 to be exact) and so she carries with her a portion of divine compassion, or is it true human compassion, that cannot easily be pinned down to one person or thing. Now that she is arriving in Pisces, the option to recognize affection in the personal life as a mirror of compassion makes sense in a way that it might not otherwise. In other words, we tend to divide love and compassion; but Venus and Pisces does not do that.

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