Welcome Comrades: The Bailout of Big Business

Dear Friend and Reader,

Writing about American election politics in 2008 is making me more and more an aficionado of Spanish surrealistВ film directorВ Luis BuГ±uel.

Planet Waves
Film still from Un Chien AndalouВ (An Andalusian Dog),В a surrealist film from 1928 by Luis BuГ±uel.

It seems as though we are in a Dada universe, where logic has escapedВ and that lack is celebrated. Considered par for the course. If we put an eye inВ the martini glass and drink from it, would people notice that something is wrong? In this movie called America 2008, IВ guess not.

Observing theВ current economic climate and trying to connect the dots between job losses in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan, and around the country where people are losing homes,В the bailout of AIG by your American taxpayer dollars defies conventional logic, not just wisdom. It’s beginning to paintВ the absurdistВ picture of our American world in the era of regulation-free conservatismВ more clearly.

Around the blogs, I found these gems that so beautifully summarize our currentВ economic and politicalВ conditionВ in a Daily Kos post entitled В Long Live the New Union of Socialist Republicans:

Now that the People own a major insurance company, it’s fair to ask how the People’s Insurance Company, along with the People’s Mortgage Companies and the People’s Investment Banks, will benefit the People who Own them. Can we expect lower premiums, equity sharing and corporate perks for our hundreds of billions of dollars? Should we start checking our mailboxes for dividend checks? Who gets paid first: claimants, bondholders, stockholders, or we the new taxpayer owners? We the Owners, want to know, and the Union of Socialist Republicans better damn well tell us, fast.

The Total Bailout Bill=$900 billion.В Think about that for a minute. В

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