On-ramp to eclipses, Mercury Rx and Mars in Virgo

First up on this week’s astrological agenda, Mars is very slowly moving toward Virgo (ingressing at 7:05 am EDT Tues. Oct. 15). Planets late in signs can add an edgy, antsy feeling to the air, and since Mars is the planet of action, the sensation could be intensified — so notice what parts of your life are making you impatient.

Chart showing selected planets as Mars ingresses Virgo. Clockwise from right: Chiron, the Moon and Neptune in Pisces; Venus in Sagittarius; Mercury and the north lunar node in Scorpio; the Sun in Libra; Mars in Virgo. See glyph key here.
Chart showing selected planets as Mars ingresses Virgo. Clockwise from right: Chiron, the Moon and Neptune in Pisces; Venus in Sagittarius; Mercury and the north lunar node in Scorpio; the Sun in Libra; Mars in Virgo. See glyph key here.

Mars in Virgo tends to be goal-oriented, practical and inclined to multi-task. It can feel restless and can take on a ‘nervous energy’ quality or get overly critical. With Mars representing physical energy and Virgo associated with mental energy (it’s ruled by Mercury), idleness could feel frustrating. At the same time, however, watch out for taking on too much — Mars in Virgo can get scattered.

Mars will be in this sign until Dec. 7, so you have almost two months to harness this energy. If you have any urges to make things work optimally, fix what is broken and heal what crosses your path, you’ll be getting the green light starting tomorrow — with a short-term caveat.

Right now it behooves anyone called to action to double- and triple-check details first. We seem to be experiencing a more shadowy Mercury shadow than usual. (Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio Oct. 21; it stations direct Nov. 10.) Consider this a welcome reminder to stay present and focused, and you’re more likely to be able to use any delays, hiccups or miscommunications as tools for sharpening your awareness. With Mercury in Scorpio, this goes doubly true for sexual communication and financial transactions or conversations.

Speaking of sex: Mars is opposite Neptune in Pisces. It’s exact Oct. 19, but given Neptune’s wide orb and the tendency to feel Mars aspects strongly as they’re applying, it is in effect now. A Mars-Neptune opposition, especially between earthy-yet-mental Virgo and imaginative, dreamy Pisces, can fuel sexual experimentation, sensual appetites and intense fantasy.

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