Sun opposite Eris: Individuation and relationships

Friday’s Aries Full Moon (which is also a penumbral lunar eclipse) is an opposition between the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra. When it occurs, the Sun and Moon will still be making aspects to Eris in late Aries. Today, the Sun makes its exact opposition to Eris (at 10:26 am EDT) — making this a proving moment for Eris, and a good day to notice the role of individuality in our relationships.

'His' and 'hers' sides of the utility box. Photo by Amanda Painter
‘His’ and ‘hers’ sides of the utility box. Photo by Amanda Painter

Aries is the sign of “I am,” and Eris often manifests as some form of identity chaos or a feeling of a fractured identity (though in certain natal chart placements, it can come through as someone who has unified these elements). Our age is marked by Eris in Aries (it has been there since the 1920s, and will be until 2044) — manifesting as our respective struggles to know who we are.

Theoretically, it’s easier for us to relate to another person when everyone knows who they are. But is that kind of knowledge actually a fallacy on some level? If we all knew who we were, would so many people be on paths of individuation, self-exploration and independence? Could things like Facebook and Twitter (or even designer clothing labels) get much traction if we weren’t all desperately trying to figure out who we are and proclaim it to everyone else?

It’s no wonder that intimate relationships can be so challenging. It can be tough on non-intimate friendships, too; have you ever felt ‘left behind’ by a friend who seems to be changing faster than you are, or in a different direction? Have you ever let a friendship dissolve or fade away for the same reason?

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