Mars square Psyche, Mercury conjunct Saturn: Choose, then do

How are you doing with this Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, especially now that the Sun is in this sign? Are you encountering forgotten passions or revisiting old hang-ups? Reenacting old patterns of thinking and communicating, or perhaps realizing how far you’ve come sexually? Aspects that involve Scorpio both directly and indirectly are at play today, offering up material for transmutation.

Simplified chart section showing Mercury conjunct Saturn in Scorpio. Also in Scorpio: the lunar North Node and Sun. Pluto in Capricorn (top) is trine Mars and the Sun in Virgo, which are square Psyche in Sag (not shown). The Moon brings another layer of emotion to the square. View glyph key here.
Simplified chart section showing Mercury conjunct Saturn in Scorpio. Also in Scorpio: the lunar North Node and Sun. Pluto in Capricorn (top) is trine Mars and the Moon in Virgo, which are square Psyche in Sag (not shown). Waning Virgo Moons are great for re-organizing. View glyph key here.

First up, Mars (the traditional ruler of Scorpio) is in Virgo, making a square to the asteroid Psyche in Sagittarius. Mars is the planet of physical action, drive and desire; Psyche often represents some kind of psychological ‘wound’ we erroneously fear we can never heal.

The square between them suggests a question: When your desire gets stuck on the mental plane and you’re convinced you’re spiritually/psychologically wounded, how do you get back in your body? When push comes to shove in that situation, how do you ground yourself back in your senses?

Squares naturally ask us to take action, something Mars specializes in. The Mars-Psyche square says that deciding to do something specific and physical is key. Choose; then do. If you’re with a partner, choose, then communicate it precisely, then do exactly what you’ve described. As mentioned, Mercury, which rules communication, is in Scorpio — the sign of sex and deep transformation. Use it.

Lending a helping hand, Pluto in Capricorn is trine Mars (earth to earth; a sense of flow). Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio and is kind of like a rumbling earthquake in Capricorn, bringing change from deep below. Think of it as opening up space for doing things a new way. Change is good in sex!

Psyche in Sagittarius, however, might be presenting something of a red herring in this square with Mars, acting as though being ‘spiritual’ is better than or cancels out our very human, very creative sexual energy. Eric put it like this:

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