Let it out: Eros in the Uranus-Pluto square

Yesterday’s Daily Astrology post noted the idea of organizing our thoughts about healing, as suggested by Mercury’s trine to Chiron (Scorpio to Pisces, exact Wednesday at 5:16 am EST). You could also think of that trine as being about healing communication, or communication as healing — and a minor planet entering another major aspect is giving us something to talk about.

Section of ephemeris listing on Serennu.com showing a 90-degree sort for Eros entering the Uranus-Pluto square, with additional planets in the aspect.
Section of ephemeris listing on Serennu.com showing a 90-degree sort for Eros entering the Uranus-Pluto square, with additional planets in the aspect. These planets are fleshing out Mercury-Chiron.

That “something” is any erotic or sexual idea that keeps pressing at your psyche, but which you can never quite bring yourself to say out loud.

Maybe it’s something that seems weird or dangerous or shameful, or maybe it’s just not ‘the kind of thing that gets said’ by people ‘like you’, or in your part of the country, or in your family.

The astrology behind this is minor planet Eros (god of erotic love) in Libra, opposite Uranus and square Pluto. Uranus brings the ‘surprise’ factor — whatever it is that you ‘want to say but can’t’ will probably come out spontaneously. This astrology isn’t so much about thinking your way to the point where you can speak, but rather letting something out and then seeing how the space within you opens up to someplace new. Everyone has something (or whole diaries full of ‘somethings’) like this, and Uranus-Pluto is bringing that ‘everyone, all at once’ feeling to a very personal place.

The asteroid Achilles, conjunct Eros in Libra, contributes its sense of ‘false lack of confidence’ to the situation. That is, the overbearing, oppressive feeling that you just can’t speak your desires isn’t real. You have more chutzpah than you think, though it might take the right audience and moment — even if that moment catches you off guard.

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