Obligation, desire, excess — and gratitude

We have a pair of interesting aspects on Thursday, which happens to be Thanksgiving in the United States, a holiday centered on a big meal, family and the giving of thanks. The astrology asks a couple questions: Where is the tipping point between a self-evolutionary imperative and the need to nourish others in relationship? And where is the balancing point between an excess of self-preservation/ambition and excessive spending/eating/care-taking?

Simplified chart showing Venus in Capricorn opposite Jupiter (and Black Moon Lilith) in Cancer; and Ceres (and the Moon) in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn and opposite Uranus in Libra. View glyph key here.
Simplified chart showing Venus in Capricorn opposite Jupiter (and Black Moon Lilith) in Cancer; and Ceres (and the Moon) in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn and opposite Uranus in Libra. View glyph key here.

The first question is being invoked by a square between Pluto in Capricorn and Ceres in Libra. The second question emerges from Venus in Capricorn opposite Jupiter in Cancer — with considerable overlap between the two.

On one level, the astrology manifests as the classic conflict between desire and obligation — something we wrestle with regularly, especially during holidays.

Not all family systems offer individuals the room to move freely between those two poles, invoking the very primal threat of being ‘kicked out of the tribe’ in some sense if one chooses to opt for a quiet, introspective day of self-reflection instead of the extended-family circus. Obligation often wins out, even if the situation has reached a toxic extreme.

It’s also possible to get so obsessed with personal evolution that we neglect the need for reciprocal nourishment in relationships. Though less common in our culture, it’s worth considering. Ceres in Libra wants to feed relationships beautifully. If that’s not the feeling driving you to drive to wherever for the big holiday dinner, then what is? And what would actually happen if you chose to stare down the guilt and stay home instead?

As mentioned, Venus in Capricorn opposite Jupiter in Cancer carries some relatable themes. Venus-Jupiter oppositions are often about excess and the need to be wary of spending too much or eating too much. In Capricorn and Cancer, that potential for excess shifts some to an emphasis on family, tradition and obligation.

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