Gemini Full Moon: Being spiritual, not just talking about it

Tomorrow (Tuesday), Dec. 17, is the Gemini Full Moon at 4:28 am EST. This is the Sagittarius Sun opposite the Moon in Gemini, asking, how do you go from just talking about being spiritual to actually doing it? And what exactly is ‘it’?

A section of ephemeris listing showing Quaoar conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. The Galactic Core is at XX Sagittarius XX. View a full chart for the Full Moon here.
A section of ephemeris listing from showing Quaoar conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. The Galactic Core is at 27+ Sagittarius. View a full chart for the Full Moon here.

A Gemini Full Moon, especially at Full phase, can translate into talking a lot without really saying much. Talking about what, though? That’s where the topic of spirituality comes in, through the Moon’s opposition to the Sun and the Galactic Core.

The GC represents the “spiritual homing signal,” in Eric’s words; a message or vibration related to the mystery of our origins and existence. The GC is too big, too far away and too obscured by the stuff of the galaxy to be observed directly by astronomers. As such, it makes the perfect metaphor for the deep, essential mysteries astrologers assign it.

Just because something is mysterious or ineffable doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter, though. Entire philosophies, religions and schools of spiritual exploration have endeavored to figure out ‘what it all means’ — or at least offer practical tools for the search.

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