Gemini Full Moon, Juno, Nessus, Galactic Center

Full Moons tend to be highly charged events for relationships as it is. Today’s Gemini Full Moon, exact at 4:28 am EST, is in aspect to several points and planets asking us to pay careful attention to where we use our energy consciously versus where we use it unconsciously, particularly when it comes to socially codified relationship expectations and the question of spiritual growth.

The setting sun reflects off a neighbor's window, viewed through frost and a tri-colored dracaena. Photo by Amanda Painter. View a full-sized chart of the Full Moon here.
The setting sun reflects off a neighbor’s window, viewed through frost and a tricolor dracaena. Photo by Amanda Painter. View a full-sized chart of the Full Moon here.

That is, what counts as spiritual growth when you’re in a relationship with someone?

For example, is ‘spiritual growth in relationship’ about learning the arts of compromise and apology, and making yourself vulnerable to being wrong?

Is it making yourself vulnerable to possibly being off-center and then learning how to regain it? (We only get the hang of things by practice, right?)

Is it ‘spiritual’ to focus solely on what you perceive as your path of inner growth, whether those you care about can keep up or not?

When does being in spiritual integrity with yourself indicate bending and flowing with another? When does it indicate maintaining protective boundaries? How can you be sure either way?

The primary minor planets contributing to this tension are the asteroid Juno and centaur planet Nessues, which are conjunct in Aquarius. In Aquarius, both Juno and Nessus speak of crystallized social expectations around relationships (especially regarding jealousy, marriage, sexuality and abusive behavior), which we’ve internalized from endless conditioning. In aspect to the Full Moon, they also speak to the potential to give crystallized patterns a push and update our files.

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