What do you know? Mercury on the New Moon cardinal cross

There are so many mutual aspects between planets in the Capricorn New Moon chart — even if you don’t look beyond the grand cross in the cardinal signs — it can be difficult to find one’s bearings, or to find a point of orientation. One that could be useful is Mercury since it signifies our minds, our thought processes and communication.

New Moon chart detail, showing Mercury conjunct Pluto, the Sun and the Moon in Capricorn. View the full chart here.
New Moon chart detail, showing Mercury conjunct Pluto, the Sun and the Moon in Capricorn. View the full chart here

In a chart connecting four personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury), a transpersonal planet (Jupiter), and two generational planets (Uranus and Pluto) all in a grand cross with a New Moon, the message is clear that what is set to change within us and what is set to change around us are connected. (I just almost typed “without us,” meaning “outside”; it raises an excellent point: that the world will change without our participation whether we want it to or not. The choice to adapt and evolve is not automatic, but it is empowering.)

On one level, Mercury in this setup represents news events that reflect the pressure and concentration of energy in the astrology. Consider recent news stories like the twin bombings in Russia that killed at least 31 people Sunday and Monday; or the jobless benefits that have just been allowed to expire by the U.S. Congress, leaving 1.3 million people without a lifeline despite unemployment being its highest since World War II. Or consider that a federal judge this week just ruled to uphold the NSA’s bulk collection of data, just days after another federal judge in a separate court called the NSA’s actions “almost Orwellian.”

Speaking of the NSA, on another level, Mercury — which is conjunct the Sun, Moon and Pluto — asks, what do you really know? Are you willing to delve into whatever material is coming up for you now to truly understand it? Impatience with any confusion or mystery could work against you. Can you tell the difference between going with the flow and pushing the river?

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