Mars square Jupiter, Juno conjunct Neptune

Today Mars in Libra squares Jupiter in Cancer. You may be feeling a push to work out something in your inner relationship life or sense of ‘home’, and another simultaneous aspect is focusing the theme: Juno conjunct Neptune in Pisces. There is something here about dissolving and purging our more toxic relationship dynamics, including western culture’s more romantic delusions about marriage.

Juno and Jupiter in a moment of reconciliation; 'Jupiter et Juno' by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609).
Juno and Jupiter in a moment of reconciliation; ‘Jupiter et Juno’ by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609).

For a little background, see the bottom couple sections of the Planet Waves members’ issue Eric wrote just before the Capricorn solstice of 2012. As with the solstice a few weeks ago, last year’s solstice also had a special chart (one carrying the burden of end-times ideology loosely based on the Mayan calendar). Juno figured prominently in the 2012 Capricorn solstice, conjunct the Sun.

In sussing out the astrology of that event, Eric investigated the discovery chart for Juno, finding that this asteroid has a close association with anger turned inward, difficulty expressing passionate emotions, family patterns or conditioning that ‘have always been that way’, and a tendency to want healing experiences to ‘fix everything’ — or to fix the ‘other’.

Tomorrow, less than two hours after Mars and Jupiter exact their square between relationship-oriented Libra and home-centered Cancer, Juno exactly conjoins Neptune in Pisces. So we can take this as one event, with one main message — that of dissolving some of the more rigid, unquestioned rules and expectations of marriage-style coupling, along with the toxic jealousy and emotional projection that tend to go along with all of it.

This is Neptune we’re talking about, however; it’s possible there’s an element of denial or illusion about whatever you think you want with a partner. As noted in yesterday’s column, Mars square Jupiter can translate into not noticing how hard you’re working against yourself. Neptune could make it harder to see how much time/energy/money you’re wasting by missing the forest and focusing on that one knot in that one tree. So if you’re caught up in jealousy (or other negativity/insecurity), ask yourself if its cause is real — or just your (mis)perception of something.

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