Venus conjunct the Sun: Shining a light on our values

It is possible that for you this week has been a mix of push and pull; of getting clear and clearing space; of feeling called to action even as particular certainties dissolve or come to be questioned in ways you have not before. As we near the end of the week, that theme continues in its own way as retrograde Venus and the Sun conjoin and make many aspects Saturday.

Simplified chart showing retrograde Venus conjunct the Sun in Capricorn. Also shown (clockwise): Saturn in Scorpio, Ceres and Vesta in Libra, Black Moon Lilith and Jupiter in Cancer, Eris in Aries, and Mercury in the last degree of Capricorn.
Simplified chart showing retrograde Venus conjunct the Sun in Capricorn. Also shown (clockwise): Saturn in Scorpio, Ceres and Vesta in Libra, Black Moon Lilith and retrograde Jupiter in Cancer, Eris in Aries, and Mercury in the last degree of Capricorn. See glyph key here.

Our inner messages of truth — of soul truth, of being called back to our deepest values, of questioning structures and values we’ve taken on from others — ask genuine bravery of us.

These messages are not always convenient or easy, since they point out to us ways we have perhaps let ourselves slide. We regularly forget the possibility that things are unfolding for us just as they are meant to, particularly in moments of inner conflict and self-doubt.

If this all sounds too familiar to you, consider that we are nearing the halfway point of Venus’ current retrograde through Capricorn, marked by its ‘interior’ (or ‘inferior’) conjunction to the Sun. That is exact at 7:24 am EST this Saturday, and it’s a big event accompanied by simultaneous aspects to many other planets (as well as Mercury’s ingress of Aquarius later that day).

Venus has been taking us on a significant reconnaissance-and-rescue tour of our self-worth and our deepest foundational values, as well as our relationship to traditions and traditional values handed down to us through the past. Saturday, the Sun shines its considerable, symbolic light on this trip so we can get a better look at what we’re reviewing.

Among the aspects the Sun and Venus are making together is a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio. That brings a strong sense of responsibility, faithfulness and integrity — if you’re willing to step into that space.

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