Approaching the Cancer Full Moon: Goddess Fest 2014

The peak of this week’s astrology is the Cancer Full Moon, exact Wednesday at 11:52 pm EST. This Full Moon chart is a busy one, making it challenging to focus in on one layer of what’s going on and tell a coherent story. But prominent minor planets, asteroids and points named after goddesses inspired Eric to dub this Full Moon “Goddess Fest 2014” — with all the attendant light and dark embodied in these archetypes.

Cancer Full Moon
Cancer Full Moon; view larger size here.

To set the stage, this Cancer Full Moon is the Moon at 26 degrees Cancer opposite the Sun at 26 degrees Capricorn. All Full Moons are Sun-Moon oppositions.

As such, the phenomena of the Sun’s light being reflected back to it from the surface of the Moon illustrates the common emotional and interpersonal situations that often heighten at this time each month: we project our inner dramas onto another person; if we’re lucky, we recognize that is what’s happening and can work with the insight constructively; we often feel pulled between two opposing emotional states or options.

Wednesday we’ll have our planet of consciousness (the Sun) shining its light from the sign of achievement, confidence and tradition onto our planet of subconscious and emotion (the Moon), which is in homey, sensitive, maternal Cancer. As those themes intensify, the Sun and Moon will be closely attended by four goddesses, making a grand cross.

Black Moon Lilith (the mean lunar apogee, a calculated point related to the Moon’s orbit) is conjunct the Moon in Cancer; Eris is in Aries, still square the Sun and Moon; Vesta and Ceres in Libra are opposite Eris and square the Sun and Moon.

In an email Eric wrote, “The thing about the Goddesses is that there is a mix of dark and light.”

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