In these last days of the Sun in Capricorn

Hopefully you’re beginning to feel some resolution for whatever was building to a head with last night’s Cancer Full Moon, though it may take a while for any tension to dissolve appreciably. We’re still in the midst of the Venus-Mars square (exact at 12:12 pm EST today); plus, we’re heading into the last couple days of the Sun in Capricorn, which may add a slight edginess of its own.

Simplified chart section showing today's Venus-Mars square. Mercury is to the left in Aquarius, waiting for the Sun to arrive; the Sun is in late Capricorn, still square Vesta and Ceres in Libra. View glyph key here.
Simplified chart section showing today’s Venus-Mars square. Mercury is to the left in Aquarius, waiting for the Sun to arrive; the Sun is in late Capricorn, still square Vesta and Ceres in Libra. Venus is in Capricorn near the top of the chart; Mars is on the right in Libra. View glyph key here.

First, Venus-Mars. Venus is retrograde in Capricorn and Mars is in direct motion (for now) in Libra. This is the goddess of love and beauty at odds with the god of war and libido, and it begs the question: is all truly fair in love and war?

Do you even know which side of that equation you’re working right now?

With Venus and Mars in mixed reception (Mars is in a sign rules by Venus; Venus is in a sign where Mars is exalted) the tone of each planet’s energy has taken on shades of the sign where it is placed.

All might not be as clear as usual in terms of identifying what you want, how to get it, and your role in a relationship. That includes how your inner feminine and inner masculine sides are relating to each other; as in, the balance between assertiveness and receptivity. You may have seen some of this play out in external relationships this week, but with the Full Moon past, whatever you’re struggling with might be more clearly identified as internal.

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