The Price of a Collective Loss of Respect

Editor’s note: I was working on tying together some threads on the topic of LGBQT teen suicides when this comment on the post below came in from Fe Bongolan. I’m promoting it to its own post because it broadens the discussion succinctly on the point that the issues surrounding Tyler Clementi’s recent suicide (along with four other teens in September who identify as LGBQT in the US, two as young as 13, according to Democracy Now!) are not just a matter of straight vs gay. – amanda


I spent most of the day yesterday commenting on this diary by arodb at Daily Kos on the Rutgers incident.

Read it and the comments, for I think they are quite compelling and synchronous to the Venus-Mars conjunction in Scorpio (and a little Sun-Saturn in Libra as well!), and totally supports what you have written.

Here is a comment I made near the top of the thread:

We’re watching a decline in valuing other people’s sensitivities, and exchanging the value of one’s privacy with that of what can you expose as entertainment with this technology we have at our disposal.

I think arodb has a great point — this is an event worth “feeling” in our consciousness. We may, as a society, have taken a wrong turn away from respecting each other, and instead have turned to bullying — as a way to belong.

On an individual level and a societal one, we need to be very very wary. This signals to me a kind of social sickness. A moral decline.

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