Sun in Aquarius; looking ahead through the week

The Sun ingressed Aquarius at 10:51 pm EST last night. What exactly does the Sun in Aquarius mean? We can start with its ruling planets for clues.

Photo by Amanda Painter
Fort Sumner Park, Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Saturn is the traditional ruler, which Aquarius shares with Capricorn. Along with Aquarius’ status as a “fixed” sign (as opposed to cardinal or mutable), Saturn is part of what gives people born under this sign their tendency to crystallize their beliefs and ideas, and it gives innovations made under a strong Aquarius signature their staying power.

A prime example is the Internet, which grew from academic novelty to household necessity during the time that Uranus was in Aquarius — and Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius.

Uranus is the spark, the experiment, the “Hey, what if…?” Uranus is also part of what gives Aquarius its stamp of individuality even though it’s the sign of groups. After all, a group is really made up of individuals — although modern society often makes that hard to discern, favoring herd mentality and conformity over true interchange between fully individuated people.

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