Aquarius New Moon, on the way to Venus stationing direct

Thursday just before 4:39 pm EST is the Aquarius New Moon: the Sun and Moon in a conjunction. It occurs against the backdrop of Venus stationing the next day; in that context, the Sun and Moon seem to be about harmonizing your conscious and subconscious in a way that allows you to clear a little space for whatever messages Venus is offering.

Simplified chart for the New Moon. Shown (clockwise from upper left) are: Sun and Moon in Aquarius, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, Pallas in Virgo, and Uranus in Aries. View glyph key here.
Simplified chart for the New Moon. Shown (clockwise from upper left) are: Sun and Moon in Aquarius, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, Pallas in Virgo, and Uranus in Aries. View glyph key here.

The trick in doing so, however, may be to avoid getting too stuck or fixated on any one particular way of perceiving yourself.

Consider this very simple improvisational dance exercise: as you dance within your own space, you notice any time you find yourself ‘doing the same thing’ or beginning to ‘fix’ a pattern of movement. As soon as you observe yourself doing so, you change how you are moving.

A movement exercise such as that is not about choreographing steps to be followed, but neither is it about a purely intuitive flow. It is a mix: spontaneous, intuitive movement starts to crystallize in its form, but before it sets completely, its crystallization is recognized, allowing a choice to be made to allow a new impulse to change the course of movement.

The dance exercise is a little arbitrary and extreme for literal application to life, but it gives an illustration of how quickly and unconsciously a pattern can set itself, how consciously one often must make a choice to change, and the necessity to allow some unexpected yet authentic impulse (intuition, synchronicity, gut feeling, desire) guide the next step.

Aquarius is a sign traditionally ruled by Saturn (fixed structures, limitations, responsibility) and more modernly by Uranus (the spontaneous spark of life force that shatters those structures). So it is a very forward-thinking sign that can stick with the great new thing to the point that it becomes ubiquitous.

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