Sun square Saturn: working the safe container

Are you feeling especially sensitive at all, maybe reacting to minor upsets and frustrations out of proportion to what has actually happened? The Moon in its home sign of Cancer is upping the emotional ante as it approaches its opposition to the Sun — with us here on Earth stuck in the middle — and Saturn is pushing against the Sun, too.

The Portland Observatory, Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.
The Portland Observatory, Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Add to that Mercury still in oceanic Pisces and moving slowly in retrograde motion, and it’s no wonder so many of us are having trouble finding our emotional/psychological bearings.

It may help to remember that water spreads to fit its container — much like consciousness and creativity. Once we can feel the boundaries of the container, we can push off against them and glide; touch our feet to the bottom to reassure ourselves; climb on top of the container’s edges to get a broader view. Eventually, we move on to a bigger container.

But all of those options require the combination of will and physical action. Sometimes it takes a lot of work and discipline.

Today at 2:57 pm EST, the Aquarius Sun squares Saturn in Scorpio. The Sun in Aquarius is all about repeated bursts of innovation and individuality breaking patterns that had crystallized; then those innovations begin to set until the next eruption. Saturn in Scorpio is in the midst of a two-year mission to dredge and clear a deep channel through our emotional bodies.

Sun square Saturn could feel very challenging today. You might notice that, if you’re already coming form a place of sensitivity, frustration, confusion or emotional turmoil, your more self-protective instincts take over — in the form of a kind of emotional stinginess.

Even though the Cancer Moon is doing its best to encourage us to nurture those close to us in classically domestic ways, we do best at that when our own wells are full. If you’re feeling strained or spread thin, those nurturing impulses are more likely to turn inward. Add Sun square Saturn, and downright selfishness might creep in.

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