Clanging gears of the Astro-machine: Mercury, Mars stationing

So how did you experience the weekend’s Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces? Anything from psychic/emotional sensitivity and creative openness to denial/overindulgence or depression falls on the spectrum for this aspect, which was exact yesterday and will take a while to work itself out. Meanwhile, the gears of the astro-machine are beginning to clang a little in preparation for two inner planet stations at the end of the week.

Simplified chart for the moment Mercury stations direct (top left, in Aquarius). Clockwise from Mercury: Pluto, Mars about to station retrograde, Jupiter and Uranus. View glyph key here.
Simplified chart for the moment Mercury stations direct (top left, in Aquarius). Clockwise from Mercury: Pluto, Mars about to station retrograde, Jupiter and Uranus. View glyph key here.

The first of the two is Mercury stationing direct in Aquarius on Friday, Feb. 28 at 9:00 am EST. That means that as we get into the workweek, you’ll likely begin noticing things getting a little glitchy (in fact, you might be noticing this already).

Second will be Mars stationing retrograde in Libra the next day, at 11:34 am EST March 1. With its much longer retrograde period, you could say we’ve been in the storm period for Mars for a little while now.

To have two inner planets changing apparent direction in just over 24 hours makes them parts of the same main event — an event that could translate into some confusion, or things not going as planned, or repeated changes in mind, mood, direction or desire. If ever there was a week to keep your eye on the big picture, keep your knees and attitude loose, and be prepared to surf the waves you’re given, this is one of them.

It’s okay to plan, just have a plan B as well (and maybe a plan C). Be aware of your options and seek workarounds as needed as opposed to ‘permanent’ solutions. Remember that even if things don’t go as planned, they could actually go better, even if a bit strangely. You can still create positive outcomes; just look for the openings that allow you to move things forward.

Mars stationing retrograde also begins the processes leading up to the grand cross in late April. Eric has written about this configuration in the premium members’ editions on Planet Waves on Fridays, warming up the territory and giving us time to orient ourselves on the energy that’s slowly building. He has described it as experiencing the “real” Uranus-Pluto square; that is, this spring is shaping up to bring this era-defining aspect into full potency.

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