Sun square Ixion: Do you know what you’re capable of?

As you stop and think today — trying to make a decision, or figuring out where your thoughts differ from those of someone in authority, or perhaps considering how you wield your personal power in your life — consider this: that anyone is capable of anything, including yourself. The next question is, once you’ve accepted that possibility, what do you do with it?

View from the Manhattan Bridge; photo by Amanda Painter.
View from the Manhattan Bridge, January 2012; photo by Amanda Painter.

The primary astrology today is Mercury in Aquarius squaring retrograde Saturn in Scorpio (exact at 2:14 am EDT). That’s where the decision-making, stopping to think for yourself, authority issues and questions about your personal power and how you use it all come in. There is a real question in our society, and probably every society, of the extent to which people really do think for themselves.

How many times have you tried to make a decision and figured out that you’re either following some programming inserted into you at some point, or are following the will of other people?

Mercury coming up against Saturn has the sensation of trying to push back against that conditioning, only to find another layer a bit deeper down. It’s therefore necessary to do a careful review of your thought process. If you’re experiencing a dilemma of some kind, is it really a moral issue, or is your mind doing the neurotic dance around trying to please others? Remember — it’s not always obvious when you’re doing this. The whole people-pleasing and family-pleasing and peer pressure group of scenarios often play out on an ‘automatic’ or semi-conscious way. The real question might be: how aware of your motives are you?

Yesterday’s Daily Astrology column noted the trine between the Sun in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio (exact on Thursday) as being great for having the willingness to work for one’s goals. It’s a supportive aspect, which could be very helpful in navigating the Mercury-Saturn square once you’ve identified the decision you’re trying to make. Sun trine Saturn is also an aspect suggesting integrity and “highly developed moral character” in a person, according to the late Isabel Hickey — but it does not always work this way. It can also denote someone who is extremely clever at deception and at making it look good.

Given the signs involved with the Sun and Saturn (Pisces and Scorpio), this bodes well for your emotional, intuitive and sexual energy. Even with Mercury working through group-consciousness Aquarius, we see a potential for of inner awareness and alignment with Sun-Saturn; the question is what one does with that awareness.

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