Spring Thaw: The Aries Equinox and Mercury

The Sun enters Aries for the equinox today at 12:57 pm EDT — the first official day of spring in the northern hemisphere (autumn in the southern hemisphere). For much of the northeastern U.S., it has felt a long time coming after such a cold and snowy winter; and although the weather may take a few weeks to catch up with your consciousness, the energy of the season is saying, “Begin!”

A snowless sunrise over the Eastern Promenade in Portland, Maine, at the 2012 Aries equinox. Photo by Amanda Painter.
A snowless sunrise over the Eastern Promenade in Portland, Maine, at the 2012 Aries equinox. Photo by Amanda Painter.

You may be asking yourself, “Begin what?” which is where Mercury comes into the picture. As Mercury emerges from its shadow, taking our mental awareness along with it, it encounters Neptune in Pisces. We’ve been under this influence all week.

That influence includes the intensification of: fantasies, daydreams, nocturnal dreams, emotional sensitivity, psychic sensitivity, feeling psychically or emotionally overwhelmed, self-delusion and creative visioning. So what else is going on in the sky to help us ground and direct this energy in positive ways?

Well, we can look to the Sun ingressing Aries. The first degree of Aries is known as “the Aries Point,” a sensitive area of the zodiac that gets extrapolated to the first degrees of Cancer, Libra and Capricorn as well (the four cardinal signs; that is, the signs that begin each of the four seasons). The key phrase for the Aries Point is “the personal is political,” meaning that when we have an astrological event in the early cardinal signs, we often find that world events affect us personally, or that our personal life is rippling out into the wider world.

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