Mercury opposite Mars: A Caution and an Opportunity

Mercury opposes Mars today — a potentially volatile, challenging aspect feeding us directly into the cardinal grand cross (which is exact in one week, but we’re ‘in it’ now). At its most basic, Mercury opposite Mars says: talk it out, don’t argue it out.

Right in the thick of things: the Aries and Libra clusters as Mercury (green glyph with horns) in Aries opposes retrograde Mars (red arrow pointing up) in Libra. View glyph key here; read Eric's overview of the whole configuration from Monday here.
Right in the thick of things: the Aries and Libra clusters as Mercury (green glyph with horns) in Aries opposes retrograde Mars (red arrow pointing up) in Libra. View glyph key here; read Eric’s overview of the whole configuration from Monday here.

Exact at 7:15 am EDT, this is a continuation of Mercury on the cardinal grand cross (it aspected Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter Monday). Mercury is in Aries, across the zodiac from retrograde Mars in Libra.

The ‘horns’ on Mercury’s glyph signify fleetness of mind, yet in Aries, they also echo the ram’s horns. We can translate that into being headstrong, especially regarding ideas about oneself.

Mars in Libra can feel spread thin or diffused; imagine that person you know who is always trying to do everything but never seems to make efficient progress with any one thing. Retrograde in Libra, Mars is even more confounded. Mars wants more than simply to discover and understand the roots of our relationship tendencies; it wants to do something about what we find.

At its worst, Mercury opposite Mars is the perfect setup for frustrated desires and goals to get projected onto relationships with others; for subconscious hostility to come shooting out in a blaze of self-righteous combativeness; for actual physical accidents when behaving rashly or impulsively. It’s all accusation and reaction, but no reflective ‘I statements’.

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